Rajbhog Sarbat Syrup


Yogi Rajbhog syrup adds the royalness to your favourite dessert, falooda, milk shakes, icecream and sweets also can use as toppings. Yogi’s true rajbhog flavour syrup makes it easy to enjoy and serve.

Use : 23 ml syrup and 140 ml chilled water/milk
and 2 ice cubes
Packing : 750 ml Pet Bottle
Case Packing : 1×20 = 20 Bottles (Weight Approx 20 kg)



A unique syrup prepared from figs and almonds, which is beneficial for health as well as taste, because figs, almonds and all three together become a great source of vitamins, minerals, iron and calcium, which our body needs in many ways. You get benefits.


अंजीर और बादाम से तैयार किया गया अनोखा शरबत जो स्वाद के साथ सेहत के लिये भी फायदेमंद है क्योकि अंजीर, बादाम और दु तीनो मिल जाये तो विटामीन्स, खनीज पदार्थ, आयर्न और केल्शीयम का बडा स्त्रोत बन जाता है जीसे हमारे शरीर को कई तरह के फायदे मिलते है ।

Disclaimer: (The tips and advice suggested in this article are for general information only and cannot be taken as professional medical advice)
डिस्क्लेमर : (प्रस्तुत लेख मे सुझाए गए टिप्स और सलाह केवल आम जानकारी के लिए है और इसे पेशेवर चिकित्सा सलाह के रुप में नही लिया जा शक्ता )

Additional information


23ml syrup and 140ml water / milk and 2 ice cubes



Packaging Size

750ml Pet Bottle

Packaging Material

Pet Bottle

Case Packing

1×20 = 20 Bottles (Weight Approx 20 kg)



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