Khus Sarbat Syrup


Khus or Natural Vitriver is a fragrant herbal grass with a sweet aroma used to make Yogi Khus Syrup yet another traditional coolant drink flavour associated with India. A traditional summer drink served during festivities and celebrations. Enjoy the subtle, unique and delicate flavour of the Khus which when blend in to make your sherbats, mocktails, cocktails, sodas, sorbets, iced tea, lemonades and specialty beverages Its unique its traditional.

Use : 23 ml syrup and 140 ml water / milk
and 2 ice cubes
Packing : 750 ml Pet Bottle
Case Packing : 1×20 = 20 Bottles (Weight Approx 20 kg)
SKU: 060 Category: Tags: , ,



Poppy is a fragrant grass. Poppy syrup is prepared from the root of the poppy plant. He fulfils the shortage of water in Shortage. Consuming poppy seed syrup gives instant energy to the body and improves blood circulation, purifies the blood, which brightens the face, if there are pimples on the face, then definitely drink poppy seed syrup.


खस एक सुगंधित घास होती है । खस का शरबत खस के पौधे की जड से तैयार किया जाता है । वह शरीर मे पानी की कमी को पुरा करता है । खस के शरबत के सेवन से शरीर को तुरंत एनर्जी मीलती है और ब्लड सर्क्युलेशन ठीक रहता है, रक्त साफ होता है जिससे चहेरे पर निखार आता है, चहेरे पर खील-मुहासे है तो खस का शरबत जरुर पीये ।

Disclaimer: (The tips and advice suggested in this article are for general information only and cannot be taken as professional medical advice)
डिस्क्लेमर : (प्रस्तुत लेख मे सुझाए गए टिप्स और सलाह केवल आम जानकारी के लिए है और इसे पेशेवर चिकित्सा सलाह के रुप में नही लिया जा शक्ता )

Additional information


No Artificial Flavour Added


23ml syrup and 140ml water / milk and 2 ice cubes



Packaging Size

750ml Pet Bottle

Packaging Material

Pet Bottle

Case Packing

1×20 = 20 Bottles (Weight Approx 20 kg)



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