Rose Faluda


Yogi Rose Faluda Syrup is delicious, refreshing & nourishing. It can be used for Delicasy, Nourishment with Milk, Sweets & Pastry. Enjoy Rose Faluda Syrup with hot & Cold Milk, Matho, Yogurt, Ice-Creams, KulPhi & Sweet Dishes, Falooda, Fruit Salad, Thickshakes, Dudhpak, Pastries, Cakes & Desserts.

Use : 160 ml syrup to 1 liter Lukewarm milk. Put in refrigerator to cool down and enjoy.
Packing : 750 ml Pet Bottle
Case Packing : 1×20 = 20 Bottles (Weight Approx 20 kg)
SKU: 034 Category: Tags: , , , ,


Rose Faluda

Faluda is very popular in the Indian subcontinent as a cold milkshake. It is made by mixing rose or pistachio syrup, Chinese grass, sweet basil seeds.

गुलाब फ़ालूदा

फालुदा भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप मे एक ठंडी मील्क शेईक रुप मे बहुत लोकप्रिय है ! यह गुलाब या पिस्ता सिरप, चाहीनाग्रास, मीठी तुलसो के बीज को मीलाकर बनाया जाता है।

Disclaimer: (The tips and advice suggested in this article are for general information only and cannot be taken as professional medical advice)
डिस्क्लेमर : (प्रस्तुत लेख मे सुझाए गए टिप्स और सलाह केवल आम जानकारी के लिए है और इसे पेशेवर चिकित्सा सलाह के रुप में नही लिया जा शक्ता )

Additional information


160 ml syrup to 1 liter Lukewarm milk. Put in refrigerator to cool down and enjoy.


Rose / Gulab

Packaging Size

750ml Pet Bottle

Packaging Material

Pet Bottle

Case Packing

1×20 = 20 Bottles (Weight Approx 20 kg)



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